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Bishop's Sutton Parish Council

Bishop's Sutton has been a civil parish with its own Parish Council since the Local Government Act of 1894.

The first official meeting was held on 20th December 1894. The Council has five councillors, who individually represent the whole village. Councillors are elected for a period of four years either by election in the village or by co-option to fill a vacancy and at the Annual Meeting. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are elected by members the following year.

The Parish Council meets monthly in the Village Hall, normally on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month commencing at 7.30pm. There is no meeting in August. Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings, and may address the Council under the 'Ten Minute Rule' at the appropriate Agenda item.

The Agenda for each meeting is posted on this page, on the main noticeboard at the Village Hall car park and the noticeboard at Hobbs Close.

The Annual Assembly is held in April and the Annual Meeting is held in May. The Parish Council does not hold a meeting in August.

The Parish Council is fortunate in having our local Hampshire County Council Councillor Rob Humby attend our meetings when possible and normally City Councillors Fiona Isaacs, Russell Gordon-Smith and Margot Power attend.

Many of the services in the Parish are provided by other authorities such as Hampshire County Council and Winchester Council and details of who to contact for information/report problems can be found on Useful Things.

If you have a problem/complaint relating to planning, public facilities, highways or local services; you are entitled to contact the relevant local Authority or Public Body direct. However, you may wish to contact the Clerk in the first instance to check whether the Parish Council is already dealing with the matter.

Contact the Clerk: 01489877898

Mob. 07528781075

Parish Matters
Council Members

Cllr Peter Nankivell Chairman

Lengthsmen & SID (speed sign)

Cllr Mark Allen Vice Chairman

Community website, & SID

Cllr Edward Hutton

Footpaths & Rights of Way, Highways

Cllr Nicola Macintyre

Community matters, Social Media

Cllr Andrew Parker

Industrial Planning, Domestic Planning, Sun Lane Development

Mr Kenrick Fell Clerk


Tuesday 14th January

Tuesday 11th February

Tuesday 4th March

Tuesday 8th April

Tuesday 13th May

Tuesday 10th June

Tuesday 8th July

Tuesday 9th September

Tuesday 14th October

Tuesday 11th November

Tuesday 9th December

Parish Council Meeting Minutes 2024 

Finalised minutes of each month will usually be available once they have been formally approved at the following month's meeting and then uploaded here after the meeting. 2025 minutes will commence after the February 25 meeting.

Parish Council Minutes January 2025

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