Section 1
The first section Is the short length of the west boundary with New Alresford. The length of the boundary between BIshops Sutton and New Alresford Parishes is only three quarters of a mile.
The perambulation starts on what is now the B3047 just the Alresford side of the Railway bridge at what was called Bowling Close Gate, and headed south with Bowling Close on the Sutton side and Marrow Ditch on the Alresford side.(Bowling close being subsequently cut through when the railway was built 120 years later). Sweatly Row is the hedge row on the west of the solar farm. The Cump would have been in the corner where the old section of White hill Lane is, when it was cut of by the A31 bypass. The boundary then runs west just north of the old section of White Hill lane, then turns south again to cross the old White Hill Lane at its junction with Appledown lane. Appledown Gate would have been about there.
Village History
Village History
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Local Area

Public Rights of Way
The Hampshire County Council (s.57(3) Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981) Definitive Maps of Public Rights of Way
Click on location in table for PDF

Parish Boundary
Click on map for full image

Natural England Permissive Walk
Provided to walkers with the kind permission of the farmer, with help from the Environmental Stewardship Scheme. The Farm circular walks have been created to give panoramic views from Scrubbs Lane and link to public footpaths in the area.
Interactive Area Map