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Bishop's Sutton in Film

This is a wonderful archive of early film of the rural past, from the 1940s onwards.


From bailing and threshing in the 194Os, through the evolution of machinery,  lost watercress beds and village fetes. Two of our Queen's Jubilees, and cattle sales, these are an important historical artefact that gives us a glimpse into a Bishop's Sutton that very few now remember. 

tractor 1940s

Films have been digitally reworked by Mark Allen, from original cinefilm transposed to VHS and sold to raise funds for the new village hall in the early 1990s. 

Films are reproduced here by kind permission of Peter Mills & Ed Petitt-Mills, David Hole and Kaia Allen.  Images or videos on this website may not be used for any reason outside of this website unless with the copyright owners' prior permission. 

1940s to 1960s
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